Monday, January 27, 2020

Training Cycles For A Basketball Player

Training Cycles For A Basketball Player I am designing a years training program for a basketball player who is at an academy level. I will be providing four cycles, a macrocycle, mesocycle and two detailed microcycle Key components of fitness for the player to improve are: Position: small forward 6ft 4 age 18- They are generally the most versatile player in the team. Should be an explosive player because they have to rebound the ball and have the strength to be able to guard the bigger players in the post. Muscular Endurance Basketball is a continuous game that goes on for 40minutes. It requires a high level of muscular endurance for continues jumping throughout the game e.g. for rebounds through out the game, for shooting the ball or for doing lay ups for the legs, the arms they need to constantly dribble, catch the ball, shoot the ball and pass. Importance: Muscular endurance allows the player to give continuous maximum effort through out the game with out fatigue affecting performance. The higher the level of endurance the better the performance as the sports requires constant jumping and sprinting (Muzawazi 2010). It is important that he has this because the athletes on an international level play a more intense game and it requires more energy to be exerted than on a national level that he is used to. Muscular Strength it is important that he has strength, as the description I put of his position above that he would have to guard bigger opponents. He would also need to help him when rebounding the ball to able to hold opponents off and also when he is being fouled while in the act of shooting, he would be able to have the strength to then attempt scoring. Power: the ability of a muscle to exert maximum force instantly in an explosive burst of movements in one muscular contraction. The two components of power are strength and speed (Neate, 1996). I will be focusing on improving his vertical leap ability in the preseason. It is important for him to have a greater leaping ability because then he can shoot jumper higher to shoot over taller players, contest for the rebounds with the taller players by being able to get off the ground quicker by being more explosive. Agility- A high level of agility is important at getting past agile defenders. Importance: having the ability to change direction without loosing speed and staying in control is a very important at being a good basketball player. Whether it is a tall who is not as agile as the smaller players but is more agile than his big opponents gives him an advantage. What are the goals? The athletes goals are that they want to perform well enough in the first part of the season at get recommended at to try out for the England U20 team. When are they to be achieved? The national team trials are to be held at the late December early January. They will be identified in the macrocycle. How are they going to be achieved? It has to be a double peak season as they will have to peak end of December early January for the trails then peak again late March for league playoffs and Cup finals and early April for international tournaments. Periodisation model I will be using the Matveyev model of Periodisation which puts the year plan into 3periods of training. There is a preparation, competition then the transition (the off season). The problem I have is with this model is that I need my athlete to peak at two parts of the season that is the middle and at the end of the season. The problem with this type of model of periodisation is that it doesnt allow for two peaks that I want my player to have so I have to try and achieve that by varying the intensity of training with my athlete. I didnt use models that allowed two peaks because they were not fitting to the basketball seasons. Cycles A microcycle lasts for five to 10 days for my program it will be a week cycle. It takes a week in from the mesocycle and shows it in as much detail as possible. A mesocycle usually covers four to 12 weeks it takes a part of a year cycle and shows a more detailed. A macrocycle can last from 10months to 4 years. This is can be used to plan season after season until a major event e.g. Olympics or can be planning for a major event that occurs each year e.g. playoffs. Programs Month Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May Jun Pre-season Season Offseason Strength training Basic Maximum Maintain Recovery Power Plyometrics Maintain Agility Drills Maintain Endurance Continuous Anaerobic Maintain Maintain Events T P/I.T Intensity Medium High High Medium High Medium High low low Key T- England trails P-Playoffs I.T International Tournament Strength Training As my athlete has not done much strength training I chose to start basic because it means that it gives them time to build a foundation for them to then start lifting heavier weights. It is important to prepare the body by targeting all of the major muscle groups, tendons, ligaments and joints helping to prevent injury (Bompa 1999). Maximal Strength part of the off season is not to build muscle or bulk up the player but is to increase the amount of maximum force he can produce from his muscles. Increase maximal muscle has to be specific to the sport and the movements involved. A more appropriate exercise however is a barbell squat, which closely matches the movement pattern of the vertical jump. Taken a step further, jump squats are even more specific to jumping and its not surprising that they increase vertical jump performance to the greatest extent (Wilson, Newton, Murphy, Humphries 1993). Though the athlete may undergo some hypertrophy because of the neuromuscular adaptations to the chronic stress of lifting heavier weights. The fast twitch fibres become thicker and increase their efficiency of the glycolysis. There will also be the conversion of the Type 11a fibres known as fast oxidative glycolytic fibres; they have the ability to adapt themselves depending on the athletes training. This is because basketb all is a game that relies on the anaerobic energy systems more than the aerobic system. I will be using free weights because the athlete will have to control the bar which means not only will they be recruiting monitor units for muscles being worked but also those which help gain control of the bar, stabilise it and maintain body balance (Wilmore, Costill 2004). Power Plyometrics-I included Plyometrics because it is perfect for increasing my athletes vertical leaping ability. It helps make the covert the maximal strength into power so that it is more specific to the sport. Strength is not useful unless it is can either be exerted when needed in a specific movement in the sport. Plyometrics is known as the jumping training, it is proposed to bridge the gap between speed and strength training. Plyometrics uses the stretch reflex to facilitate recruitment of motor units (Wilmore, Costill 2004). Muscular endurance I chose to start with aerobic training even though the game of basketball focuses on using the anaerobic systems. I chose to do this because Bompa (2005) suggest that starting with aerobic endurance first then secondly anaerobic is important because increasing the aerobic endurance allows for physiological improvements such as cardiovascular efficiency, biochemical improvements of increased mitochondria and capillary density and thus resulting in the greater diffusion and use of oxygen and the breakdown of fat and the removal of lactic acid. Agility I included agility to make sure that the athlete doesnt lose it because of hypertrophy that might occur from the strength training. He might increase in mass which might make it harder for him to move around swiftly. So putting agility drills in the preseason is to bring his agility back up to what it was in the previous season because he would have lost some in the off-season and then maintain it over the strength training period. Mesocycle Month Late March April May Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Strength training x x x Power x x Agility x x x Endurance x x x Skill and Strategies x x x x x x x Intensity H L M L L L L Matches 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 International Matches 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 I took this mesocycle from the most important part of the season. The playoffs and the international tournaments happen after each other. The play offs occur during the week before a half term and then the international tournament happens in the first week of the half term and allows for a rest week during the second week of the half term. Training in the weeks before the season ends is high because I want him to push the boundary he has been playing at mid season so that in the weeks of the playoffs and tournaments his strength and explosive ability has peaked as he might decrease in strength from doing medium intensity after peaking in December/January. I want his skill to peak because once he has the physical attributes to compete he will need his skill level to be at its highest all season so that he may dominate opponents and make an impact on his first appearance on the international stage. During the play off week and the international tournament week training will be low intensity consist of mostly skill and strategy based sessions because there will be no time in the week with 3 or 4 matches to have set up sessions to improve the components of fitness. The aim is to get as much rest as possible and spent time working on set plays and refining skills to win the tournament as physical preparation has already taken place. Microcycle Power phase (August-September) goal is to increase muscular power. Rest muscles for 2-3 minutes between sets and exercises. Do low reps at a high intensity which means doing it as fast as possible. 1-3 sets of 2-4 reps., 3 times a week. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Crunches, twist crunches Crunches Russian Twist Crunches, REST REST Legs: DB jump squat, jump lunges, Calf raisers Sideline touch and elbow shot 410 Total body: Clean and jerk Baseline the top of the key shot. 4x 10 Total Body: DB hang snatch, hang cleans Plyometrics Squat Depth Jump (410) 5 shuttle suicides Upper Body: Bench Press, Incline press Legs: stiff leg dead lifts, leg press. Calf raisers T-Test agility drill 3 attempts Skill work Arms: Biceps curls, triceps extensions Skill work Upper Body: DB incline, DB military 5 shuttle suicides Lane agility drill 3attempts Plyometrics Box Jump As I has stated above the table those are the number of reps and sets targeted to be done for each exercise unless stated otherwise in the table. At this point of the pre season I have started including basketball specific endurance drills so that athletes are preparing start preparing a shooting when they are tired mentality which is needed many times in basketball. Players that can shoot the ball well late into a game, stand out and also become the go to guys on their team because that attribute allows them to win games for their teams e.g. Kobe Bryant scores a lot of his points in they last quarter because the defence is tired as he has the endurance to keep going at them while everyone in his team becomes tired which means he gets the ball more. Having him practise drills after doing endurance work, helps him refine his technique even more because when he can do the skills and perfect the correct technique when he is tired it not only allows him to perform better when he isnt tired but also helps build the mentality required for the late stages of the game. I also introduced the interval training for the endurance drills because basketball is a sport that mainly uses the anaerobic systems. As Bomba, Carrera (2005) stated that basketball is uses the ATP-Pc system 80%of the time. So training this system is important to the athletes performance as he will need to get it to peak condition so that he can perform his at a highest level possible throughout the whole game. The agility drills are to be done between 10-20seconds to keep them specific to the energy system being used and they will also involve stopping starting and changing in directions and running forwards and backwards and sidestepping. This is defiantly specific to the sport of basketball as all these movements occur in the sport so it also improves the ability to move effectively around the court. Microcycle 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Crunches, twist crunches G A M E D A Y R E S T Crunches, R E S T Skill work Sideline touch and elbow shot 410 Legs: stiff leg dead lifts, leg press. Calf raisers 5 shuttle suicides Plyometrics Squat Depth Jump (410) Strategies/plays Upper Body: Bench Press, Incline press Lane agility Drill X3 T-Test agility drill 3 attempts Skill Drills Plyometrics Box Jump Arms: Biceps curls, triceps extensions 5 shuttle suicides Skill drills Maintenance phase/Sport specific exercise goal is to maintain muscular power. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets and exercises, Doing low reps and high intensity which means 1-3 sets of 2-4 reps, 2 times a week The point of this in-season training is to maintain the athletes physical gains they have obtained over the summer (preseason). Its also time for the athlete to improve and refine their dribbling, shooting techniques etc but most importantly to improve on their teamwork so that he can have a successful season as part of the team because that the way most scouts will get attracted, by a winning team. So by reducing the strength training, power and agility training to twice a week high intense session it brings him to a maintenance level and increasing the skill based work makes for time to improve his skill level. How I will be testing for improvements Test will happen at the beginning, middle and end of pre season and 5weeks before an important event. Vertical Jump test Figure 1 For many years, tests such as the standing broad jump and vertical jump have been used as field tests to evaluate an individual explosive anaerobic power. (Powers, Howley 2007) I will use this test at the beginning, middle and end of the preseason. I will do it again at the end of November so that I can establish whether or not he has maintained his gains before the trails. This measures not only the vertical leap of a player but it is also used to find out how much explosive power they have. Wall can be used for this measurement as illustrated in the figure 1 or a vertex machine can be used to measure the vertical leap. Figure 1 shows how the test is performed. Athlete is to stand and reach as far as possible and label the point as M1. The athlete will jump from stationary position and see mark the highest point they reach as M2. The distance between M1 and M2 is recorded and compared to the norms. This test is valid because in basketball there is constant jumping throughout the game so the test applies directly to the match. Strength Although the bench press is not the most sport-specific strength test for basketball, it is a reliable assessment for upper-body strength. Evaluation standards have also been established for the bench press and so I am going to use it as a test. The athlete will perform two warm-up sets of approximately five to ten repetitions. Followed by a three minute rest, I will load the barbell with an amount of weight that I have deemed appropriate for the athlete. The weight selection was chosen in order to fatigue the athlete in less than eight repetitions. So I decided to that 50kg would be enough for a good weight as he is only starting weight lifting. I also decided that this weight would be best as the NBA tests athletes at 90kg and they are elite athletes. This protocol has been used in predicting 1RM and has been shown to be reliable and valid (Brzycki 1993) Lane agility drill Figure 2 The point of this test is to see the ability of an athlete to maintain speed and body control while changing direction. Set up cones as shown in the image. Figure 2 shows how the test is to set up and the movement the player is to take Sprint forwards to the baseline. At the cone, change movement to a side shuffle to the right across the baseline. At the next cone back pedal up the lane to the foul line, then side shuffle left back towards the start line. Then do it in reverse back to the start line. Having the ability to change direction without loosing speed and staying in control is a very important at being a good basketball player. Whether it is a tall player who is not as agile as the smaller players but is more agile than his big opponents gives him an advantage. Norms Vertical Jump Test % Rank Females Males 1-10 76.20 81.30 cm 86.35 91.45 cm 11-20 71.11 76.19 cm 81.30 86.34 cm 21-30 66.05 71.10 cm 76.20 81.29 cm 31-40 60.95 66.04 cm 71.10 76.19 cm 41-50 55.90 60.94 cm 66.05 71.09 cm 51-60 50.80 55.89 cm 60.95 66.04 cm 61-70 45.71 50.79 cm 55.90 60.94 cm 71-80 40.65 45.70 cm 50.80 55.89 cm 81-90 35.55 40.64 cm 45.70 50.79 cm 91-100 30.50 35.54 cm 40.65 45.69 cm Table reference: (D.A. Chu 1996) shows elite athlete norms I expect to see my athlete enter the top 40% of athletes for him to compete on an international at the age of 18. As he is not an elite athlete yet but to be on route to I expect him to be in that top 40%. Lane agility test position males females guards 10.2 10.9 13.0 14.5 forwards 11.0 11.4 14.6 15.5 centres 11.5 12.3 14.6 15.5 FIBA Assist Magazine, 17, 2005, p62 Norms I expect to see my athlete increase in strength so that he can is able to maintain body control while colliding with opponents. I expect to see him increase in explosive strength so that he can leap of the ground faster than most opponents so that he can contribute to rebounding for the team and shoot over most opponents. His increase in physical attributes should allow to gain an extra advantage over the players in the league and for him to have a firm base for him to start on for his international team. Referencing Muzawazi A.T Basketball Regime, Training and Testing (2010) Powers S .K, Howley E.T- Exercise Physiology (sixth edition) 2007 Neate D., P.E essentials 1996 Bompa T.O, Haff G.G Periodisation: Theory and Methodology of Training (2009) Bompa T.O, Carrera M Periodisation Training for Sports. Third edition (2005) Wilmore J.H, Costill D.L- Physiology of sport and exercise 3rd edition (2004) Wilson G.J, Newton R.U, Murphy A.J, Humphries B.J The optimal training load for the development of dynamic athletic performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1993 Nov; 25(11):1279-86

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Hamlet as a Tragic Hero :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays

Hamlet as a Tragic Hero William Shakespeare, the greatest playwright of the English language, wrote a total of 37 plays in his lifetime, all of which can be categorized under tragedy, comedy, or history. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Shakespeare's most popular and greatest tragedy, displays his genius as a playwright, as literary critics and academic commentators have found an unusual number of themes and literary techniques present in Hamlet. Hamlet concerns the murder of the king of Denmark and the murdered king's son's quest for revenge. Its main character, Hamlet, possesses a tragic flaw which obstructs his desire for revenge and ultimately brings about his death. This tragic flaw makes him a tragic hero, a character who is destroyed because of a major weakness, as his death at the end could possibly have been avoided were it not for his tragic flaw. Hamlet's flaw of irresolution, the uncertainty on how to act or proceed, is shown when Hamlet sees a play and the passion the actors had, after Hamlet's third soliloquy, in Hamlet's fourth soliloquy, and in Hamlet's indecisive pursuit in avenging his father's death. First, Hamlet's flaw of irresolution is shown when he sees a play and the passion one particular actor had. A group of players has arrived and Hamlet arranges a personal viewing of The Murder of Gonzago with a small portion of his own lines inserted. Hamlet then observes one portion of the play in which one of the players put on a great display of emotion. Hamlet, besieged by guilt and self-contempt, remarks in his second soliloquy of Hamlet of the emotion this player showed despite the fact that the player had nothing to be emotional about. Hamlet observed that he himself had all the reason in the world to react with great emotion and sorrow, yet he failed to show any that could compare with the act of the player. Hamlet calls himself a "rogue and peasant slave" and a "dull and muddy-mettled rascal" who, like a "John-a-dreams", can take no action. Hamlet continues his fiery speech by degrading himself and resoluting to take some sort of action to revenge his father's death. Next, Hamlet's flaw of irresolution is shown after his third soliloquy, the famed "To be or not to be†¦" lines. Hamlet directly identifies his own tragic flaw, remarking of his own inability to act. Hamlet, unsure whether or not the his uncle Claudius was responsible for his father's murder, schemes to have The Murder of Gonzago presented to the royal court, with a few minor changes, so its

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Are all the characters in this novella lonely? Essay

In the 1930’s, American ranch workers were living in very lonely, dingy conditions. They would travel for days on end, sleeping rough when and where they had to. They would travel to work long hours for minimum wage. George and Lennie were no exception to this. From the beginning they have to sleep rough whilst they are travelling to Soledad, which also is also the Spanish word for â€Å"lonely†. We find out from the beginning that George and Lennie are complete opposites of each other. George is described as being smaller and slimmer than Lennie, who is very tall and big built. We also see that Lennie tries to copy George a lot, as they both wear the same clothing, and carry their gear in the same way. â€Å"They had walked in single file down the path, and even it the open one stayed behind the other.† This quotation is important because this shows us that Lennie follows George as if he was his mother. This also shows us that Lennie isn’t capable of thinking for himself, so he has to rely on George, being his mother figure, to do everything for him. We can see that George can easily lose his temper with Lennie, when Lennie refuses to get rid of the dead mouse in his pocket. â€Å"George stood up and threw the mouse as far as he could†¦/ don’t you think I could see your feet was wet where you went across the river to get it?† In chapter two, the unequal relationship between the stable buck and the rest of the ranch workers when Candy talks to George; â€Å"He was sure burned when you weren’t here this morning†¦/ An’ he gave the stable buck hell, too.† When the boss gets angry, he takes it out on the stable buck, as he cannot defend himself, partly because of his crooked spine, but also because if he did fight back, then the boss would probably have him killed because of the ethnic differences. In chapter four, the first reasons for Crooks’ loneliness show through. Firstly, he does not sleep with the other ranch workers; he sleeps inside the harness room by himself. The only things he has inside his ‘room’ are â€Å"a mauled copy of the California civil code for 1905†, and â€Å"a tattered dictionary†. The California civil code in his room shows us that he has been educated in his youth, and that he also knows his personal rights. The dictionary in his room shows us that he has tried to understand every word in his California civil code. In this chapter, it is quite obvious that Curley’s wife is going to be lonely, as she is the only woman on the ranch. â€Å"Sat’iday night. Ever’ body out doin’ som’pin†¦/ an’ likin’ it because they ain’t nobody else.† This quotation speaks for itself really, as she is complaining about having to spend time with Lenny, Candy and Crooks. She has to speak with the â€Å"losers† of the ranch and like it because there is no-one else for her to talk to. Another reason why she is lonely is because of the way that Curley treats her. â€Å"Sure I gotta husban’. You all seen him†¦/ â€Å"Jus’ the ol’ one-two an’ he’ll go down†Ã¢â‚¬  She is telling us that Curley doesn’t care about her at all, and that she obviously doesn’t like the way that she’s being treated. In chapter 5, on page 100, Steinbeck creates a feeling of shock and quiet reflection through the shattering of their dream. â€Å"Before George answered, Candy dropped his head and looked down at the bay. He knew.† At the end of page 100, George quickly comes up with a plan. This creates a feeling of pace and action. This signifies the calm before the storm, in tune with the same technique the author had used earlier in the book before Lenny killed Curley’s wife, and at the very beginning of the book. In conclusion, it is quite clear that all the characters in this novella are lonely in their own way. George is lonely in the end after he kills Lenny, this parallels the shooting of Candy’s dog ~ both are shot to protect them from further pain. Candy loses his only companion when Carlson shoots his dog for the selfish reason that it smells. Curley’s wife is lonely throughout the novella until Lenny accidentally kills her, and at the end of chapter 4, Crooks returns to his old self, as he rejects Candy and the others. Crooks chooses to be lonely, however, as he feels safe by himself.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Compensation Of Chief Executive Officers Essay

Introduction The compensation of chief executive officers and the methodology used to determine it has become a major topic of debate in the business world. Many people wonder not only why and how it has gotten to be so high, but also why it isn’t distributed amongst other major contributors inside the company, or even amongst the lower ranks of the workforce via an increase in wage rates. One of the more recent theories that provides an explanation to the increase in the pay of chief executive officers is the size of firms relative to earlier years in business development. Xavier Gabaix (2006, p. 50), states that his, â€Å"central equation predicts that a CEOs equilibrium pay is increasing with both the size of his firm and the size of the average firm in the economy.† This theory discusses largely that as the scope of the economy increases, it is only natural that CEOs be compensated at a higher rate. The reasoning behind this is that the CEOs are managing companies of higher value, and thus are in theory putting more work and effort into their companies as well. Based off this theory, it makes complete sense to do this. However, I have set out to see if I can discover any other concrete reasoning behind these often astronomical salaries, and if so, determine if this reasoning is useful in determining salaries across a wide range of industries and structures of very successful publicly traded companies. One of the main reasons I wanted to take a look at bothShow MoreRelatedChief Executive Officer Compensation in the Financial Industry1942 Words   |  8 Pages The issue of chief executive officer compensation is the subject of dilemma in the United States. This dilemma often triggers questions as to who decides what compensation is rewarded, as well as how compensation is rewarded. 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